Scholarship Opportunities Available

Elevate Your Career with Monthly Dissertations: A New Approach to Online Learning


Are you tired of the traditional educational model that relies on high-pressure exams? Scandinavian Advanced College presents a refreshing alternative – our online master's program designed to empower you with monthly short dissertations. This unique approach to learning ensures that you not only absorb the material but also refine your research and writing skills, setting you up for success in the modern workforce.

Our commitment to flexibility is unwavering. We recognize the demands on your time and energy, and that's why we've eliminated exams from our program. Instead, you'll engage in continuous learning through thoughtful dissertations, allowing you to delve deep into subjects and cultivate a holistic understanding.

Finances should never be a barrier to education. For students from developing countries, we offer an affordable payment structure – four installments of 500 Euros each, making the total cost 2000 Euros for the entire program. We're here to ensure that nothing stands between you and your aspirations.

Unlock your potential today. Visit to explore the transformative opportunities our online master's program offers. Invest in yourself and your future career success.